

Newton & Frizzell
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This is a studio album my wife Nancy and I recorded. It was released in 1997.

Artist Statement +

Release Notes

Songs written by

No More Hard Times, Listen, Farewell Guardian Angel, Rainfall, Morgan Fay, Unconditional Love, Bright Colorful Balloon, Day's End - words and music by Mark newton

Killing Frost, Christa's Crusade, Antique Smile - words by Kate Holly, Music by Mark Newton

While We Are Apart - words and music by Mark Newton, Nancy Newton, and Kate Holly

Liberation Day - words and music by Mark and Nancy Newton


Nancy Newton - Lead and background voacal

Mark Newton - Lead and background vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar on Unconditional Love, bass guitar

Anthony Marino - All percussion, keyboard on Killing Frost, bass on While We Are apart

Meleta Baker - 1901 Cornish Co. pump organ on Antique Smile

Brian Sullivan - electric guitar on Killing Frost, slide guitar on Bright Colorful Balloon

Conor Makem - concertina on No More Hardtimes

Produced by

Anthony Marino

Engineered by

Anthony Marino and Ralph Napolitano

Recorded by

Marino Sound Productions at Ralph's House of Tone, Dover, New Hampshire

Mastered by

Jeff Landrock, Landrock Recording, Berwick, Maine

Cover an Liner notes Design by

Sharpe Design with additional photography by Jack Bingham (Taylor 914c guitar), John Wike, and our family

Headshot of Mark Newton, with short grey-blond hair, wearing an off-white T-shirt and glasses, sunlit in front of a tree-bark texture background.

Mark Newton

Musician, Artist, and Decorative Artisan

My creative pursuits in art and music have interrelated throughout my life and professional careers. Here I share selections of my ongoing work.

If you are interested in my music, fine art, or decorative arts services, or if you just want to learn more, don't hesitate to contact me.

If you'd like to stay in touch, I also have a personal newsletter you can subscribe to. Every few months or so, I share a summary of my recent posts—my way of keeping in touch without social media.
Mark Newton and his wife Nancy Newton, smiling at each other, and Mark holding one of four present guitar-type musical instruments, with the other three displayed on the wall behind, surrounded by other musical equipment, including a mixing board and percussion instruments.


Music ▸

Fine Art

Gallery ▸

An elaborate and richly colorful mosaic of textured square tiles, each featuring a sample of a unique decorative finish created by Mark Newton.

Decorative Arts ▸